Meek? Who, Me?!...Eek!...Pray Simply, Live Meekly

My time in God's Word has been very powerful this week. As I seek him more and more, he is revealing more and more to me. It's amazing! This week I read an awesome article from Proverbs 31 ministry about Mary, the Mother of Jesus. It was great! The devotion was written by Max Lucado and is entitled "The Power of a Simple Prayer." In it he talks about how life doesn't always fit our mold for it, that the pieces we are given don't always go together, and that things often don't work out the way we think they should. The important part, though, is how we react to that. Is our response one of fear, anger, frustration, or prayer? He reminds us of the power of a simple prayer by highlighting John 2, which tells the story of a wedding in Cana that both Jesus and his mother were invited to. While Jesus was there, the wedding party ran out of wine. Most of the women I know are fabulous hostesses and I know they would be freaking out over this, particularly of wh...