Ben Sauer - A Message of Salvation

A little boy named Ben Sauer was just taken home to be with The Lord.  Ben had a very rare kind of cancer, a kind that took him from a healthy, happy four-year-old to death in just a few months.  Most of Buffalo was praying for a miracle, begging God to heal this young boy. His mother Mindy blogged about Ben's trials and her own so eloquently and faithfully that most of us felt like we knew her. Most of us, those who never met Ben, felt like we loved him as our own. I sobbed last night after I found out that he had passed and I cried myself through songs of worship and then to bed, which might seem strange since I never met Ben. But since I am a Christian and so was Ben and his whole family, they are my family. Ben was my brother in Christ and Mindy is my sister, and right now, I am grieving right along with them. Yet even in the midst of such suffering and saddness, I know Mindy is staying close by God, strong in her faith. Her faith in Him is what will get her through this. He will carry her, just as he carried Ben home. But what about us? All those left behind, those whose faith is not as strong as Mindy's, those who perhaps don't have any faith at all? What is the message God has sent us through this little boy? I believe it is the message of salvation, Jesus' victory over death.

In my time in The Word today, Ben was weighing heavily on my heart. God led me back to Genesis, to the story of Joseph. Joseph was a humble servant of God, just like Ben, and he endured much suffering here on Earth. His brothers sold him into slavery, yet God raised him up next to Pharaoh. Pharaoh's wife sinned against Joseph by lying about him and Pharaoh then thew Joseph into jail. Can you imagine being thrown into jail for something you didn't do, for years?! Yet Joseph trusted God, and even in jail, God blessed him and everything he touched. And during his time in jail, he met two servants of Pharaoh who had terrible dreams that they couldn't understand. Joseph interpreted them correctly for them, through God, and was thereby remembered later when Pharaoh had dreams that no one else could interpret. God used Joseph to inform the Pharaoh of Egypt that seven years of abundance were coming for his country, but that seven years of famine would follow on its heels. The people would surely die unless Pharaoh heeded Joseph's words and stored grain during the years of abundance. Pharaoh put Joseph back in charge of Egypt as a result of his wisdom and discernment from God, which never would've happened if Joseph hadn't been sold into slavery and also thrown in jail. See how God can bring good from bad? Romans 8:28: "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to this purpose." Joseph may have had to endure suffering and trials, but God worked them together for good as he promised. In fact, when Joseph's brothers came to him begging for food, Joseph was quick to forgive and said "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is being done - the saving of many lives." God worked so much good through Joseph's suffering, because Joseph was willing to play his part and trusted in Him, and the same is true for Ben.

Is it sad to think that a little boy, just turned five, had to die to fulfill God's purpose? It is for us because what we can see and understand with our human perspective and minds is so limited, but I doubt Ben feels that way. He's in Heaven with Jesus, enjoying paradise, being cancer-free, and getting more hugs and kisses that he could ever imagine! He's soooo happy! I know we wish he could've lived here longer, but Earth is full of so much sin and saddness - Heaven is not. Of course, I go back into my human thoughts and say, "But God, why did he have to go through so much pain and suffering so young? He was too young Lord! A child shouldn't have to go through something like cancer." But the Lord spoke to me today in Romans 9:20-21, saying "Shall what is formed say to the one who formed it, 'Why did you make me like this?' "Does not the potter have the right to make of the same lump of clay some pottery for special purposes and some for common use?" Wow, Amen! Many of us will be used for common purposes, but Ben wasn't. Ben was formed for a divine purpose. Through Ben, and his mother Mindy, so many people received a story of faith. Countless Christians and non-Christians were touched, reminded of what's most important in this life, moved to forgive and love, and many hearts were brought to Jesus. How amazing that one small boy, through his trials and story, reached people not just in Buffalo or even the continental United States, but in countries all over the world. What a powerful message of faith, hope, and love was demonstrated through him and his family.

Do I wish Ben didn't have to suffer at all? Of course I do, but I imagine that as a result of so many prayers, Jesus carried him through it. And I am comforted, as I hope his whole family is, by this scripture: "I consider our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us" (Romans 8:18). Ben would probably tell you, if he was here, that what he went through was nothing compared to all he is experiencing now. I imagine he might even tell you that he would do it all again in a heartbeat. Heaven, as promised, is just something so much better than we can possibly fathom while here on Earth. "In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith - of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire - may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the end of result of your faith, the salvation of your souls" (1 Peter 6-9). Oh Ben, your suffering was great here on Earth but we know it was not in vain. God did a mighty work in you, your faith and your family's faith was proved genuine, and you are receiving all the blessings and abundance that come from that right now. May your beautiful mother and your whole family rest in that.

I remember the overwhelming sadness I felt when my mom passed from cancer, and how unbearable life suddenly seemed...but God. I remember the heartache and the tears that failed to cease...but God. He is the same God today and tomorrow, in good times and had. He gives and takes away, but my heart will choose to say, blessed be your name!

I know that Jesus is going to carry your faithful family through this tough time and wrap them in a love and peace that only He can provide. May we all remember the message of faith that we learned from you and your family, Ben, and may we all strive to carry our crosses with the same strength and faith you did,trusting in God and glorifying him even when we do not understand. You are an inspiration to us all. Enjoy Heaven, little one!


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