
Showing posts from September, 2014

Be Still & Know That HE Is God

I think I've already shared this, but lately I've been struggling a lot with a big decision. A very big one. One that will, in many ways, determine my future, my family's future, and our quality of life for quite some time. I won't lie, I have struggled with so much anxiety and even weariness from the weight of this decision. My greatest anxiety has been that my husband and I will make the wrong decision, that we will be making a decision out of our will for our lives instead of the Lord's. I once heard someone say that the scariest place to be is outside God's will, and I agree with that completely. To me, this decision, like so many others in life, boils down to My Way, or God's Way. But what do you do when you don't know which way God's way is? Therein lies my dilemma. I was born again nine months ago, so I'm a pretty new Christian. That makes this more challenging. I read The Word every day, I'm in church every week because I need to b

Pleasing God? Great, But Get Ready for Battle!

The Lord has been doing amazing things in my life lately and I honestly can't wait to share! My husband and I were baptized in the Holy Spirit three weeks ago, we got married two weeks ago and decided to wash each other's feet like Jesus did for his disciples (which The Lord used to touch a lot of people), my husband and I have been drawing more near to Jesus each day, and we are both noticing how our desire to learn about Him and please Him is becoming our main focus. God has become the lens through which we view our lives and all our activities, but that has opened our eyes to exactly why the Christian life can be so challenging, and confusing, to walk out. Both Shawn and I knew the Christian life would be awesome and very rewarding, but we are starting to see where a lot of the challenge comes in. More than a few people made fun of our decision to wash each others' feet at our wedding. People always mock the things they don't understand but knowing that didn't