Be Still & Know That HE Is God
I think I've already shared this, but lately I've been struggling a lot with a big decision. A very big one. One that will, in many ways, determine my future, my family's future, and our quality of life for quite some time. I won't lie, I have struggled with so much anxiety and even weariness from the weight of this decision. My greatest anxiety has been that my husband and I will make the wrong decision, that we will be making a decision out of our will for our lives instead of the Lord's. I once heard someone say that the scariest place to be is outside God's will, and I agree with that completely. To me, this decision, like so many others in life, boils down to My Way, or God's Way. But what do you do when you don't know which way God's way is? Therein lies my dilemma. I was born again nine months ago, so I'm a pretty new Christian. That makes this more challenging. I read The Word every day, I'm in church every week because I need to b...