What I Never Knew I Was Missing - THE HOLY SPIRIT!

It's amazing to me how ignorant I was before I became saved, as we all are. Scripture says exactly what I was in so many places - a fool. I grew up in the Catholic Church with faith that was passed down to me by my mom and for a long time my faith was very strong. After she passed away and I entered my college years, however, I began to wander off. I just "got busy." I stumbled on yoga and began to heal from grief and several relationship wounds in classes. I learned to connect with myself, but that was only going to take me so far. Then I started attending church again when I found out I was going to have a baby, which was when everything changed. I started "church-shopping" for something that felt more real, more passionate, and not quite so "rehearsed." But nothing in the Catholic sector was cutting it for me anymore. In some ways, it never had. I just didn't feel a personal connection with Christ in any Catholic churches and I wanted that so ba...