Taming the Tongue
The Holy Spirit has been strongly convicting me in regards to my tongue lately. If you know me, you know that I talk...a lot! I also talk very fast (some claim I don't actually have to breathe when I talk). I'll tell you, I always thought my ability to talk fast was a gift. I figured I would wind up as a radio broadcaster, an insurance salesman, or hopefully a motivational speaker one day, simply because of my ability. When I became a yoga instructor and was responsible for memorizing and reciting 30 pages of dialogue to talk practitioners through a 90-minute class, no one was surprised. I've always loved to communicate, particularly through writer (my dream has always been to become an author and speaker), but I don't know that others have always loved it. Most people laugh at my "ability," but I've also hurt several people with my tongue. Over the years I've become aware of the fact that those who talk more not only have a tendency to say too much, ...