
Showing posts from February, 2020

Confident HOPE

Lately God has been opening my eyes to what HOPE really is and how differently biblical hope is from the worldly hope we are so used to. I now find myself wondering how often we don't receive the things we are hoping and praying for because we don't FULLY BELIEVE we will. We HOPE that our prayers will be answered in a fingers-crossed sort of way, all the while knowing that they might not and preparing ourselves for that possibility JUST IN CASE. We HOPE that we will get pregnant, not miscarry again, deliver a healthy baby, get that promotion, receive good news from those test results, get debt-free, receive healing, stick with it this time, overcome that addiction, etc., but we can't be certain, right? After all, we aren't God and we don't know the future so we simply hope for the best, leaving ourselves open to and prepared for the possibility that whatever we are praying for might not happen. Friends, this is the kind of HOPE the world teaches us but this is