God Loves You, Yes YOU!

I gave my life to The Lord and received his Holy Spirit on December 20, 2013. Since that time the veil has been lifted from my eyes and I have begun to see the world in a whole new way. I see blessings in every moment, reasons to be grateful in some of the worst circumstances, the miracle of creation and child birth, the Holy Spirit's work in my own life, overwhelming sadness when I see others in pain, and so much conviction in regards to sin. My heart has been cracked wide open, and love for everyone has begun to pour forth. I find myself praying for people all the time, for all those who are still living in darkness, and I continually pray that the world will see less of me and more of Jesus coming out of Kim every day. I'm learning the significance of worship, I'm learning to put God first every day (though the Devil still tries to convince me other things are more time-sensitive/important), I now crave time in his Word more than anything I used to, I'm looking into ...